Once upon a time in Auckland Park, someone came up with a bright idea, “lets have talking heads”, at this point all you needed to qualify as a male talking head was a greasy ‘s curl’. One particular talking head made the cut, let’s call him “Rubbish”. Rubbish was quite good at reading the teleprompter and giving us the lowdown on the next episode of Generations, but it seems his new found fame went into his stomach as his weight ballooned and consequently was no longer desirable as a talking head. So some clever dude at Auckland Park had another great idea, let’s give Rubbish a soccer show. That was the beginning of our troubles. Real journalists tend to have a knack for scandal; this manufactured journalist loves to turn everything into a scandal. Case in point, SAFA decides to change the game from Kimberly to Atteridgeville and Rubbish makes a scandal of it in his show saying the game must go to the people.
STORY continues:
Mr Know It ALL!