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Thank You Mabhakabhaka

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 | Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Before Baba Mthethwa and his followers tell us ‘once touch too many’ once more, I would like to say "Thank You Mabhakabhaka”…

Baba Mthethwa and his technically challenged co-commentator, De Loca, accused Orlando Pirates of playing too many touches, but isn’t that our type of football? Isn’t that the philosophy we are trying to establish in our game?

Why is it that when the likes of Barcelona do it, we applaud, but when its Sonono's father's team, we complain?

To add to that, the same Baba Mthethwa, and I’m sure many other spineless football observers, criticised Pirates for showboating in the closing stages... why?

Isn’t a 'friendly' meant to entertain when tactical studies have been exhausted? Is it because the English claim that 'our' football is showing disrespect?

For me, showboating frustrates Europeans, I’d say we should employ this tactic often when we play this untalented hard workers... if Pirates had a striker, they’d have scored at least two in that last 5mins…

In closing, I’d like to say, Thank you Oupa Manyisa, Thank you Mark Mayambela, Thank you Sameeg Doutie, Thank you PIRATES!

By Sidwell 'Feesh' Francis
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