Some of the supporters share their 2010 World Cup memories - You can share yours as well – the good, the bad and the ugly - write in the comment box!
Fundile Marasi
I remember driving with my team mates to PE, watched almost all the games there, funny part; one time I drove from EL TO PE without a licence, being the only one who was not using(you know what). I was forced, stopped by a traffic, produced my team mates'. After he saw a veco full of soccer fanatics, he let us go. A World Cup full of action, laughter, the world getting together with one heart beating as one in African soil - feels like it was yesterday. I was the chauffer
McBeth Seroto
Wow... I remember how important the SA flag became...we all got to respect the different colours in there...I watched the opening game in New Town... how nervous I got when the players walked onto the pitch… Shaba's goal, enough to cause a heart attack… I cried... and we all survived though… what a year… thank you SA.

I remember that as if it was yesterday… my phone was ringing but when Kagiso passed the ball to Shabba all I could hear was Dwaye's voice; I was even on my feet in front of the screen. Can we please have 2010 again?
Mahlatse Vincent
Wow what a year, I went to watch Algeria and Slovakia in Polokwane and some Algerian guys gave us a lift the stadium. One of those guys lost their ticket, I was hurt like it was my ticket, fortunately he found it and we all went in and they thought us Algerian songs, it was amazing.
'Mutoma' Tshikonelo
My ooh my. Just thinking of that time it just brings those Goosebumps back. The vibe, the people and the anticipation. I watched most games at the fan parks including the opening goal; I went bezek and jumped into the water since the fan park was by the beach. But I had an opportunity to watch 2 games at the stadium.
Polokego Mampana
One more day to go people! I think as South Africans, we should start recognizing June 11th as one of the special days in Mzansi's calendar. It doesn't have to be a holiday, but one that we can embrace and celebrate annually! It is no different from June 16 or April 28... a ground breaking event took place on this special day in the year 2010.