It started with the soccer tickets from R20 to R40… no one from the PSL asked us fans what we think of that - or we are just supporters? They forgot that we there ones who will pay that R40 in which in some PSL games its R80 a game!
Then it was the mother of all bombshells from PSL! Today (07/04/2011) is a sad day for South African Football! South African fans/supporters (people) are very angry about the PSL for ending the Charity Cup.
The PSL rich board members don’t care about us (supporters), but themselves because the history of Charity Cup will always be alive in each and every South African.
The painful part is that the reason given by the chairman of the PSL (Mr. Irvin Khoza) was worthless to say the list. The reason was that PSL has many soccer games in the year and the Charity Cup must be cancelled.
He made an example of Europe, but in Europe teams play more games than PSL put together in one year. However, the Charity Cup in Europe is number one to those teams from England, Spain, Denmark or even Italy. Example the Emirates Cup, the Arsenal team is doing that cup to power the poor, but in South Africa, the big cats of the PSL think otherwise about this prestigious tournament that also build some of their teams.
Are we playing too many games? Well that’s bull because even our local teams don’t care if they are playing in Africa (ie CAF Champions League to name one). As otherwise we would be making the quarterfinals or the semis of that tournament like the European teams fighting to just to play in the UEFA Champions League.
The Charity Cup was for young upcoming players to showcase their talent in front of a packed stadium - also a fun day for supporters across Mzansi to meet and spend the whole day supporting Charity and Mzansi Football.
I dreamt growing up that one day one will stand in Soccer City (FNB Stadium) on the field playing in the biggest crowd in the country - people calling my name as I score the winning goal for my team and also doing it for Charity.
However, the big cats of PSL have killed that dream and dreams of millions young stars who were going to benefit in this tournament. The big cats of South African Football are killing the most prestigious tournament in Mzansi like what they did to the First Division, Vodacom Second Division and Third Division.
PSL big cats don’t care about South African Football and its time for those people to move out of office and give this job to those people who care about our football and us (supporters).
I think its time our legends who understand our football and culture to take charge of our football. I’m tired of people who chilax at the PSL board and make decisions that going to benefit them and forget about the supporters.
PSL board took out the Charity Cup, but the Vodacom Challenge is still ON! Is this because the Vodacom Challenge is for them to be more rich and show off with other big cats like them in football world that they are big?
To all South Africans that love football, from today I will not go to any Premier Soccer League games and that useless cup (Vodacom Challenge) until the Charity Cup is back.
Vodacom Challenge must also be cancelled because is useless and doesn’t add value! It’s a pity that our leaders like to follow the European way, but still yet fail to copy it perfect. This is a sad day in our South African history and without the Charity Cup our football will never be the same.
By Thulani (aka Chetterbox) Mkhize
+ comments + 11 comments
Hey wena Khabazela shut the fuck up or stay away from soccer. Charity will always get the money and things have now changed. Competative soccer is what PSL is seeking. These guys have put their lives into this game so you stay home and argue with your bitch and stay away from soccer. You have no say at all, either you take it as it is or go join politics where your opinion might be heard. The PSL has said they will get the games televised on global networks and this might a step in that direction. Thing with you you have one ball left and the ther ball is deflated, jou dam poes.
Iron Head
anonymous,please do your reading or since you know a good reason,please provide us with one and not that useless reason and yours anonymous.soccer loving poelpe need a good reason,because your psl greedy members provide us with a very useless to say the list,i think you need to be out of soccer and let me and the loving soccer poeple of mzansi do good job
Nice blog you posted comment easy for understanding. world most viewer sport is football is first. i know. good keep it up...
Exactly, I justlt told you shut means Thulani. But you still have a nerve to open your teethless mouth, watch my croc boot go in your mouth. You are a damn fool, did you not know it is what it is? Untill you have some money and own a team then you you can have things your way. You fail to keep up with your family bussiness but you have a nerve to tell the Chairman how to do his work. Well you are in a wild dog kennel and your ass will be chewed up. Why fool with hell on wheels dogs? You ar asking for it and will give it to you. You should have stayed with NPSL and so what te hack do you have to do with PSL? jOU SKOP SE DONOR. yOU NEED A THIPA AND PHANGA because your forehead is plastic bag.no wonder they named you Thulane you damn freaken simumu.
Iron head
anonymous,shame man,what is your real name because my name is thulani mkhize and yours anonymous and i was born ready baba,bring it on
A bad decision by the toothless man aka Iron Duke. why they only need money form the fans and not involve them in decision making?...Can disbanding one day event solve the problems they claim to have in conducting the TCC competitions? Khoza lost it and he must revise his decision and conduct a survey about this matter before taking any decision....
Good blog stuff..I think this is good article style shown here..Keep posting and sharing!!
Wena Thulani aka Khabazela you sound like a retired sex worker. What do you mean "bring it on", sounds like you enjoy being climbed on. PSL is not obligated to tell you shit, keep your shit ass at home and we will never miss you. Untill you have a team financed from your pocket then you can open your shit mouth. Anyway I will be contacting my cyber police and see we come hack you out of your damn freaken blow job. Ineed to be talking to real man and not mothers like you.
Iron Head
Mr anonymous aka iron aka bitch head .you making useless of yourself,with your useless comments and you missing the point big time.that why iron head,i said before please read my story and ask poeple around mzansi about what took place as charity cup is gone,because of u psl sex workers iron head and than you can see my point.all poeple of mzansi,put thier lives in south africa football.by calling me names it show me and everyone you useless as animal and u need to grow up as person before it,s to late and everything u saying about me is all u and just read my stroy and i,m not scared of u iron head.khabazela,will be waiting until u grow up from thulani mkhize
I have no time to read or follow cows like Thulani. PSL has taken a decision and I stand by them. Since you are too speakertive go to the next board meeting and see if you can put your dream across the table.As long as people at the top see things the way they see them thats how it will be. No problem papa go start your own league with your wife and kids, then you can go ahead with Iwisa Charity Cup.
It looks like you have an iron forehead, will about that ntates.
Iron Head