Monday, February 24, 2014

National Coaches Conference

Chatting with a lot of coaches some very constructive contributions have been noted. There is an unanimous call from South African coaches to have a National Coaches Conference organized a soon as possible. The view is that South Africa is the only Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) nation where a such conference was never been held.

The leading idea is that most of the negative aspects in local football cannot be solved without the involvement of coaches. The request is that the South African Football Association (SAFA) and the Premier Soccer League (PSL) should jointly organize this important event. The top issues to be discussed include: (1) SA football philosophy; (2) coaching youth in our football mentality; (3) improved coach education; (3) national competitions; (4) national teams and appointment of national coaches (these are key topics from several submissions).

The starting point is to change the current inefficient and confusing mentality - a product of contrasting influences from so many foreign sources - and replace it with own mentality (all SA coaches to recognize it and subscribe to). "We coaches, cannot keep on lying to SA football people and tell them that we know what are we doing" (Themba 'Pro' Mnini).

The fact that coaches are following so many different mentalities - especially in the PSL - it makes impossible to improve football in the country. There is no common ground at the youth development as everybody is following a different model and this leads to exceptional talent being lost. Solutions exist and are ready for implementation. What we need now is immediate actions!

By Ted Dumitru

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