Thursday, October 3, 2013

Congratulatory messages pour in for SAFA President

New South African Football Association (SAFA) President Dr Danny Jordaan continues to receive scores of well wishes from football, government and business communities following his election last Saturday, 28 September 2013.

Dr Jordaan was overwhelmingly elected to the helm of South African football at SAFA’s Elective Congress with 162 votes to 88 of Mandla Mazibuko, former Vice President of the Association.

Leaders in the football industry, in business and politics sent their congratulatory messages to the new President. The messages vary from, FIFA, CAF, the Presidency of the Republic of South Africa, the PSL, and Japan Football Association to Brand South Africa.

“I am certain that your knowledge, wealth of experience and personal qualities will have an important impact on the further development of our beautiful game in your country. You can rely on my personal support and FIFA’s assistance to reach this goal. The doors of the Home of FIFA are open whenever you wish to discuss any relevant issues concerning the game,” said FIFA President Sepp Blatter in a letter to Dr Jordaan.

“I wish you and your team the best of luck, strength and every success for all the challenges that lie ahead. Please also pass my congratulations to your colleagues who were elected with you.”

Issa Hayatou, President of the Confederation of African Football (CAF) also praised the new SAFA boss on his election vcitory.

“It is with great joy and excitement that we learned about your election as the President of the South African Football Association. On behalf of the CAF Executive Committee and the entire African Football family, I would like to offer you my warmest congratulations for your election as President of SAFA, providing the perfect avenue to steer national and club football to new heights,” said Hayatou.

“CAF is confident that your experience, know-how and leadership will benefit not only South African football but also African football as a whole. We look forward to cementing our partnership and exchanges in order to benefit the youth of our beloved continent. We wish you a very successful tenure in your position and rest assured that you can count on the support of CAF to achieve a very successful mission.”

In another letter addressed to Dr Jordaan, the Presidency wished the new SAFA leadership well.

“In welcoming your election, we again emphasise our continued commitment to working with the new leadership of the Association. We are encouraged by your comment on the fact that SAFA would work together under your leadership and that the executive will serve the development of South African football. We certainly wish you well in the new role and let football be the winner as it advances to higher levels in the country,” said Obed Bapela, Deputy Minister: Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Administration in the Presidency of the Republic of South Africa.

The Japan Football Association believes the new appointment will lead to a greater relationship between the two Associations.

“We are more than sure that your valuable experience till today will certainly lead to further success for your Association. I also hope we can foster relations further between our Associations for many years to come,” said Daini Kuniya, President of JFA.

“The Premier Soccer League would like to extend their warm welcome and congratulate on your appointment. We truly wish you success during your tenure. You can be assured of our support and commitment,” added PSL CEO Brand de Villiers.

“I am sure that all and sundry would agree that although you are confronted with a difficult mission, you will all never-the-less be up to the task,” concluded Tokyo Sexwale, South African businessman and politician.

Several other good luck messages came from various football federations from across the globe including the USA, Tanzania, Australia just to mention a few.


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