Friday, August 30, 2013

Dr Khoza not standing as SAFA Constitution currently stands

Dr Irvin Khoza has today announced that he will not be standing in the forthcoming SAFA elections due to the clause in the SAFA Constitution that precludes anyone from holding the SAFA President's position whilst also holding an interest in a club.

Dr Khoza explained that when approached to stand he pointed out the issue arising from Article 37.9 SAFA Constitution.

The Zululand Region of SAFA raised the matter at the SAFA meeting held on Saturday 24 August 2013. It wanted clarity with regards to this article as majority of those that serve in the Local Football Associations are club owners. The matter was put up for discussion at a later date with regions urged to provide input in the meantime.

With this matter not resolved Dr Khoza cannot, as he indicated earlier, stand.

"Where football is involved I do not have the luxury of being a bystander. When approached to serve I am duty bound to give the matter serious consideration. I did indicate, when approached to stand, the limitations brought about by Article 37.9 of the SAFA Constitution. My standing at this stage will create a negativity that I can't afford to bring to football,” said Dr Khoza.

“I take this opportunity to thank those that approached me to stand. I derive continued strength in their confidence in me and the contribution they believe I make.” Dr Khoza added.

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