Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bianca Academy Ladies wins soccer tournament

We happy to tell you that Bianca Academy Ladies team won the Women Soccer Tournament on Women’s Day with the following results;

Pitch Masters Ladies 4 vs. Leratong Ladies 2
Bianca Academy Ladies 10 vs. Potchefstroom Ladies 4

In the Final it was Bianca Ladies and Pitch Master
Bianca Ladies 9 vs. Pitch Master 3

1st place - Bianca Academy Floating cup and gold 18 Gold medals

2nd place - Pitch Masters a cup and silver medals

3rd place - Leratong ladies 18 Bronze medals

On behalf of Bianca Academy we want to extend a heart-felt thank you for your commitment to making this event so successful.

Thanks to NWK , Elegant, Noordwester, Wuma and Diski Ladies.

by Kgotso Bianca