Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can Bhakajuju do it this season?

Are the Sea Robbers up for the League Championship this season (2009/10), and what about the Continetal Championships?

Last season was marked by ups and downs, we lost matches we didn't have to. We finished strongly and were menacing in some of the games.

We did not score as many goals as would have been necessary to secure the Championship when goal tally was the difference.

Are we going to commit the same errors this season, given the shortness of the season and continental responsibilities, are we upto stratch?

No prayers, neh Orlando Pirates must raid the trophy cabinet this season, and be the only Southern African team to have annexed two continental championships this season!!

hola MaBaccaBacca!

by Gontse Koitsioe


  1. What else is expected of the searobbers. We have conqured Africa and no matter how long it was it still remains the highest peak for African foot ball. What Pirates ought to think is going beyond the bucket, luckyly enough they got out before this present pulling each other down. Domestic wise those who have done what they have always done will get what they have always got. Pirates like Jonathan Livingstons Sea Gulls must leave it's territory and explore the galaxy. Chiefs is learning they put up a fair play agaist Iran national team. Lions are strong animals but one lion surrounded by a pack of Hyenas knows his got no chance to survive. People will have their mouthed wide open when Pirates buy a frenchise in one of the leagues in Europe.

    Hotheaded Bucaneer

  2. The Godfather is back in business this seas. Watch "vito teko modise". Chiefs is going to pay back for all they have done in vodacom. Chiefs have really asked for it and Pirates will go besek on them. Pirates keeper has already showcased his revenge tactics. No walk over, Chiefs must come in pay the heavy balance.

    Up the Bucs

