Friday, October 4, 2013

Ted Dumitru’s Football Corner

In many occasions when some of us try to convey information or views that may be unconventional or unconformable to certain football people there are those reactionary voices who would say 'it's controversial' or 'too critical' or 'what does he know?', 'who is he to tell us?', 'who do they think they are?' and so on.

Well, the only way to convince those who don't trust us is to produce indisputable evidence. The other day I pointed out that copying coaching ideas, methods, game mentality, and youth training from other countries is absolutely wrong. Immediately there was opposition from some football officials saying 'this is not true, we need foreign assistance to improve our football'.

The truth about this issue is revealed by Wayne Goldsmith - an internationally acclaimed sport scientist from Australia who is well known by SA sport authorities (SASCOC).

He has studied hundreds of cases where sport developing nations tried to copy high performance solutions from advanced sport nations and the result was disastrous. In his conclusions (below) it is evident that benchmarking has no value in producing high performance results.

 It's a big NO to importing 'advanced knowledge' to develop SA football talent as the reasons bellow cannot be ignored.

By Ted Dumitru

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